Privacy In Focus | Feb 28-March 4

March 4, 2022

by Leanna Cofano

We bring you a round up of articles and updates sourced from national data commissioners and leading privacy organisations.

News this week:

ICO: The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued a reprimand to the Scottish Government and NHS National Services Scotland over both organisations failure to provide people with clear information about how their personal information is being used by the NHS Scotland COVID Status app-

Find out more

CNIL: CNIL publishes a new White paper on payment data and means of payment, aiming to shed light on the main economic, legal and societal issues relating to data and means of payment, in the form of a White paper providing for perspectives, analyses and a roadmap for future work.

This White paper is intended for:

the general public: for a better understanding of the privacy issues relating to data and means of payment;
professionals: for developments on the CNIL’s points of vigilance in this area, as well as the priorities it foresees in terms of support.

PDF available here – ‘When trust pays off’ White paper

News release with further information available here

NCSC: Following the vulnerabilities disclosed at the end of last year regarding Apache Log4j. The National Cyber Security Centre is advising organisations to take steps to mitigate the Apache Log4j vulnerabilities-

Read more on the advice

AEPD: The Spanish Authority AEPD, approves the first sectoral code of conduct since the entry into force of the Data Protection Regulation-

Find out more