Privacy In Focus | February

February 11, 2022

by Leanna Cofano

We bring you a round up of articles and updates sourced from national data commissioners and leading privacy organisations.

News this week:

EDPB – Has reported on several fines for varying Data related reasons around Europe this month
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ICO – Discuss pseudonymisation which comes after the recent ruling for Facebook
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CNIL – States last year was a record year for fines
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DPC – Ireland has brought in the new digital strategy
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NDPA- Norwegian Data Protection Authority choose not to use Facebook

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AEPD- The Spanish Agency for Data Protection participates in the first coordinated European action to analyse the use of the cloud in the public sector

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CNIL – Focuses on the challenges of the Digital euro: what is at stake for privacy and personal data protection

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ICO – discusses the plan for California to introduce new bill to protect children’s data online

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DPC: The Irish Supervisory Authority for Data Protection has released the Data Protection Commission’s Annual Report for 2021, featuring highlights of the past year.

Download full publication here

EDPS: The European Data Protection Supervisor participates in EDPB’s 2022 Coordinated Enforcement Action for Data protection and use of cloud by public sector.

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ICO: The ICO is calling for a consultation on draft guidance for the research provisions within the UK GDPR and the DPA 2018. This can be done via an online survey with a view to submit responses by 5pm on Friday 22 April 2022

Click here to participate

AEPD: The AEPD and the Ministry of Consumer Affairs have launched a campaign with advice to act against identity theft. There is a dedicated E-Office where those suspecting identity theft can turn to.

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